Monday, April 9, 2012

Miss Jane wins!

What does it take to beat the Gluten Gorilla ? It takes 111% and more. Over the past 4 months I have given my health all I have inside of me and out. I went from being very sick to becoming very healthy in a remarkably short time. The key my success is perserverance, commitment and being positive at all times. Along with my mindset, I have found and brought into my life incredible supports from my Naturopath to my Trainer. Of course, my #1 support is always my husband Brandon, who always adapts to whatever my health needs are.

I precisely followed the guidelines and reccomendations of my Naturopath, Jen Newell. My supplement program was followed and will be continued to be followed each day as prescribed. I was open to whatever treatments we were going to pursue and always took them on with a positive mind focusing on the outcomes that would come from the treatments. I knew that each small change I made was for the better and together over time all those small changes would result in my ultimate goal of becoming healthy again. We did a 12 week detox which is a huge commitment but really made all the difference to my health. Just so you are aware I would not be anywhere near where I am today without the care of a Naturopathic Doctor.

My eating plan is key to my life. I love my Naturopath because she very keen on nutrition, we spend a good deal of time discussing and emailing each other sharing nutritional finds. I have eaten extremely well for many years, I don't eat at fast food restaurants ever! I don't eat conventional junk food ever. 'We are what we eat', is what I believe and follow. I want to be healthy and strong so I therefore eat accordingly. My husband and I have tried many ways of eating for 20 years, so for us to get to this place in our eating it is natural. We make all our food from scratch with good quality, mostly organic ingredients. Our cupboards and fridge only house good healthy foods. We spend money on groceries for our health and do not eat out at restaurants (Although, we recently found our first place to eat out once and a while) In the summer we grow a wonderful plentiful garden with organic seeds and soil, we are working towards turning 100% organic over the next 4 years. All our meals are made with love and balanced to meet our cooking guidelines.

One of the best things to strengthen our immune systems is exercise. With my trainer, Jen Mulhall owner of 365 Thrive, I have taken my exercise from dormant to thriving. In the past 2 months I have begun to fit training back into my life in a way that would not compromise my health. I am now at the point where my conditioning and strength is significantly improved. Currently, Jen is writing my next phase of training for me. I have begun to add weight to all my barbell exercises and I am thrilled with how quickly my strength and muscle memory is coming back. At my last measuring session I had lost a total of 17.5 inches off my body. This week my deadlift reached 75 lbs, my bench press hit 65 lbs and my weighted barbell squat was 55 lbs. I have reached the weights which I left off with when I had to stop my training program due to poor health. If you are planning to get into good shape and have significant goals, I recommend a trainer to create a training plan for you. If you want success you need to commit to it. A trainer will guide you towards success.

It is my hope to inspire others to change their lives make it what they want for themselves. My success has led me to a 20 pound weight loss and huge changes in my body. Think of what it could do for you. Be Strong.